
Showing posts from 2016

Emmie's Quilt

My grandma was here last week and she had bought a present for every one but my little sister. One day I directed her to the log cabin quilt shop to look around while we were there she saw some very cute fabric, got it for her, bought some batting and asked me to make a quilt, so I did.   Almost done  My quilting First I cut out the batting to the same size a the fabric. Next I lay the batting out with the top part of my quilt over it,and the bottom part over that. Then I sewed around the edge of the quilt leaving about a five inch hole. After that I turned I right side out and (hand) sewed the hole shut. To quilt it I took off the sewing machine foot and did loops all around the quilt. This took a bit of practice but I (THINK) I did well.  I'm still working on the quilting because I ran out of thread, and I need to do it all over the quilt and four inches apart.

Saturday Sewing with the Sisters

The girls kept themselves busy with their various projects. Two were no sew T-shirt totes    and the others were quilts. One young lady designed her own top and spent the day adding the border. It looks great! Fun times eating banana peanut butter sandwiches with spiced tea.  This quilt is having trouble. Apparently it's too scrappy and the colors touch. Eventually it will get there. Barbie always gets a lot of attention. She is frequently the recipient of new quilts, bags and dresses. The dresses were sewn from discarded leggings and long sleeve shirts with a single stitch down the back. I find these photos on the mobile devices. They've been texted to gramma. 

Grace At Work

I'm only ten and kept bugging my mother about getting a job. My brothers seemed to be able to keep busy doing odd jobs and I wanted one. I suggested babysitting but mom told me I was too young. One day after bugging her again she told me about this family who had three little kids and then twin babies. She told me to offer my services as a Mother's Helper. My brother said it was a stupid idea and she would never call me. I didn't believe him.  About a week later she text me needing extra help. She couldn't lift anything heavy. My job is to move babies and feed them. The twins wear parachord bracelets so the parents can tell them apart. I am learning all about caring for babies. YAY!  Grace has perfect timing. And always gives you what you want. I spent some money fixing the tube on my bicycle and opened a savings account.

Our Post Cards

We all made cards. It was a fun project. We first sewed our hearts and ribbon onto a piece of thick fabric. The thin seemed to wrinkle up too much. Then we zigzagged a 5" X 8" flash card to the back. Last we trimmed up the edges. It's a small project with great rewards.